reinforcing steel

Metallic Corrosion: Methods for Assessing Structure Condition

Metallic Corrosion: Methods for Assessing Structure Condition

Metallic surfaces and structures commonly found in the water and wastewater industry include pipelines, gates, treatment plant basins, reinforcing steel embedded in concrete structures, access lids, and steel tanks. Metallic assets are critical components of water and wastewater systems; however, these assets are susceptible to corrosion which can be detrimental to system operations.

Engineers employ various methods to prevent electrochemical reactions from causing corrosion damage to metallic surfaces. Regular intervals of condition assessment are critical to evaluating metallic structure assets to identify and counteract corrosion before it becomes a costly and devastating problem.

Condition Assessment Methods for Reinforced Concrete Structures at Wastewater Treatment Plants

Condition Assessment Methods for Reinforced Concrete Structures at Wastewater Treatment Plants

As wastewater treatment facilities age, it is critical that the concrete structures are assessed at regular intervals to identify and locate areas of degradation early, while a repair is still a cost-effective solution. To many in the wastewater industry, Condition Assessment is defined as the engineering analysis of structures and facilities to determine the remaining service life. Condition Assessment includes the use of appropriate and established tools and techniques to measure the current condition of a structure or facility against industry standards. For V&A’s engineers, Condition Assessment is performed by collecting quantitative data in the field to complement visual investigations.